They were unique, elegant and fun too.

These two were mock ups. I made 3 of the tall ones above and ten centerpieces. (and an 8ft swag) I purchase lamps from every thriftstore and yard sale I came across plus I had a few collected in the "shed"... (have I mentioned I love lamps?) After they were painted I aged them with a little buffing using a fine gauge steel wool pad. Even though the bases were different the paint, orange beads, and metal flowers presented unity. Which was after all the plan. Once they were all reconfigured I drove 300 miles to SLC and arranged the florals there. The small ceramic pots were filled with pink, orange and green gerber daisies as well as moss and grapevine. Each was placed on individual guest tables along with a small framed quote from Alice in wonderland and another framed pictured of the happy couple. It was the bride's favorite childrens story and I thought how perfect??? Since two young people starting out in marriage are surely entering uncertain territory. helloooo (I don't know if anyone else got it cuz I do have a slightly twisted sense of humor) Anyway the good news is everyone went crazy for them and after the wedding I sold them all... including the framed quotes. Thanks for looking! ~athella P.S yes, she serve cookies along with 3 scoops of colored sherbet.
You are so creative with that lamp centerpiece... what a brilliant idea.
Can't wait to see more of your transformations. Thanks for popping by and welcome to bloggerville!
ATHELLA!!!!!! You are brilliant! I've never seen a more creative idea, ever! Oh my goodness, you are overflowing with so much inspiration..I am so grateful to know you.. God bless you. Love, Cindy
Hi Athella, how nice to meet you! Oh, these are great! I have entered your name in my giveaway and I hope you'll come back and visit sometimes.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Athella, you are so funny! I love the centerpieces..I'd love to see one all decked out with the flowers! What a cool idea! God Bless! Lauralu :)
These are beautiful, Athella. How creative you are! Thanks for coming for a visit and your comments are appreciated!...Christine
They are beautiful Athella!!! And I totally agree with the masses *winks*, you are SOOOO creative! You niece was very lucky to have you! Vanna
Thanks for coming over and saying Hi. You are so talented. I love the lamp, or what was one.
It was so nice to meet you and hope you return to my blog and say Hi.
i don't know if that took or not,I love these.And my secret place as you probably know by now was just a place to try to do stuff wothout risking deleting my posts...Ann
Athella, these are fantastic! I can't imagine being that creative! And with the quotes too! Ohhhhh I just love 'em!! L~
Athella, I don't know how I've missed all of these posts you've done, but I am so glad I got over here now. Those centerpieces are so great! You are so creative. laurie
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